ctuOnline w/ Style

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More than 141 users worldwide
Current version: 0.4.3
Price: FREE
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Modernize the CTU Online ClassroomALERT! I am no longer maintaining this extension as I graduated last year and no longer am frequently accessing CTU Online. If you're interested in taking over development of this plugin, please get in touch with me!

This extension was developed in order to perform a much needed refresh on the Colorado Technical University (CTU) Online classroom. Minimal and easy on the eyes!

Source, feature requests, and bug reports:


v0.4.3 - 4/12/14
-Rewrote the function that modifies the lecture links after noticing some weird behavior. Hopefully this fixes the problem. Apologies to anyone affected by the glitch!

v0.4.2 - 4/10/14
-Lecture links now open in a new tab instead of a popup
-Removed code that supported features that are now inaccessible with the new portal :(
-I'm in my last term at CTU now so this may be my last update. Want to take over? Check out the project's repository => goo.gl/Eqhfov

v0.4.1 - 3/9/14
-Bought a Mac, realized the class bubble buttons were mis-positioned for some reason. Added some OS detection logic and a fix. Sorry for the sub-par appearance, Mac-heads!

v0.4.0 - 1/12/14
-Happy New Year!
-Changed the default editor for DB posts to EpicEditor, allowing the use of Markdown in posts.
-Syntax highlighting for discussion boards
-New accordions for task list
-Much UI Improvement
-Outlook mail opens in new tab

v0.3.2 - 11/15/13
-Extension ignores pages using the new CTU portal
-Added icon for extensions page
-New feature coming soon!

v0.3.1 - 9/5/13
-Bug fixes, new screenshot :)

v0.3 - 7/13/13
-Class bubbles are now functional!
-First attempt at writing something to reduce/eliminate the old school table stuff. Only in use on the homepage announcements.
-More adjustments to keep things looking trendy
-Other assorted bug fixes and such

v0.2 - 5/4/13
-Pretty substantial re-write, actually. Many many visual tweaks to make things more consistent, stable, and pleasant to look at.
-The right sidebar is now collapsible via the small tab towards the top.
-I'd love to get email notifications working but it's a bit tricky to interact with the OWA mail application. It seems as though CTU is attempting to fix this as well so I'm inclined to just wait until they figure it out.

v0.1.3 - 4/14/13
-Removed alert from the spell check dialog-- Sorry!!
-More style stuff

v0.1.2 - 4/10/13
Added utility buttons (mail, help, logoout) to the fixed navigation bar. It dawned on me that there's currently no new mail notification. While that sucks, it looks like it broke on the vanilla site after the implementation of the new Outlook mail. I'll keep an eye on it...

v0.1.1 - 4/5/13
Formatted grading comments; they're finally somewhat readable!!
Added analytics

v0.1.0 -3/25/13
Initial release


It should go without saying that ctuOnline w/ Style has little to no value to anyone who is NOT a student at CTU.

Currently the extension just overrides style but I would love for it to evolve and tackle other accessibility issues with the CTU Online site.

This extension nor its author(s) are in any way affiliated with CTU.

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