.torrent to Transmission

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Current version: 1.0.0
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Automagically add, access and control torrents with Chrome.Automagically integrates the Transmission BitTorrent client with the Chrome browser in the least intrusive way possible.

- Right click to add any link to Transmission
- Including magnet links
- Now works with private trackers - check the options page
- Provides a user interface built right into Chrome that allows you to manage your torrents
- See your current torrents - divided up into all, downloading, seeding and paused
- Manage your torrents:
- Pause, remove and move individual torrents up and down the queue
- Pause and remove groups of torrents
- Enable/disable turtle mode
- Provides a quick link to the Transmission built in web interface

*** Setup ***
- Enable the Transmission Web UI
- Open up Transmission
- Goto Edit -> Preference and select the Web tab
- Make sure the Enable web client box is checked
- Enter .torrent to Transmission settings
- Open up the .torrent to Transmission options page
- Enter the correct RPC address and correct WebUI address
- RPC address will take the format of http://<YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE>:9091/transmission/rpc
- WebUI address will take the format of http://<YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE>:9091
- Make sure to replce <YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE> with the IP address running the Transmission client

*** Changelog ***

- Popup will show an error page if unable to communicate with Transmission RPC
- Added support for private torrent files/trackers. There is now an item in the options page for downloading the .torrent file and sending the data to Transmission

- Fixed 'Error: undefined' issue in options page when detecting RPC version.

- Using Chrome notification API instead of deprecated webkit notifications.

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