Manage Reddit Subscriptions

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Current version: 0.71.1
Price: FREE
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Locally manages your Reddit subscriptions. Allows reddit tagging, filtering, viewing (single or multi reddits).Manage Reddit Subscriptions (MRS) provides a top tab titled 'reddits' to access and manage all the reddits you have visited or scanned.

On first use, MRS will scan your subscribed reddits and ready them for you.
Subscribed reddits appear as green in the list, unsuscribed as red.
As you visit (sub)reddits, they are added to your list.
To add more reddits, click 'more reddits' and your list will slowly fetch 20 pages of reddits at a time.
The status bar at the bottom will display: Reddits Subscribed: <subscribed #>/<known reddits #>, Filtered: <subscribed filtered #>/< totlal filtered #>

Filter the list by reddits; tags; both.
Display options also include: Show NSFW; Subscribed Only; Tagged Only

Single mouse click on 'View' will open the selected reddit(s) in the current window, middle mouse click will open to a new window.

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