Kicks For Us

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More than 620 users worldwide
Current version: 1.8
Price: FREE
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Add to cart script to help you cop those hard to get items!Often more than not, when trying to buy Yeezys, Jordans, Supreme and other deadstock goods, it's almost impossible to beat the bots. With so many requests being sent by bots, the "add to cart" button often glitches out and stops working which often times requires a page refresh which wastes valuable time. Let this chrome extension add your items to cart for you, to make it convenient, once an item is successfully added to your cart, the page will redirect to check out.

You still have to complete the payment info. Please be patient as U.S. web stores will be focused first however sites will be added daily.

Follow @kingsieu on twitter for updates and to make suggestions for new features!

Excludes: Raffles & wait rooms.

TLDR & Usage:

1. Navigate to a "supported" website go to a product page.
2. Select your size.
3. Click on the shoe icon, and click "add to cart"
4. Pay!

Note: The extension will automatically detect the site you're on and adjust the scripts accordingly. Please report all bugs and feel free to leave positive feedback & constructive criticism since this is being made for the sole community free of cost. Please share and leave a rating to provide an even playing field for all the sneaker heads as well as provide support for further growth of this project! Thank you all!

Follow @kingsieu on twitter for updates and to make suggestions for new features!

Initial release will include: Footlocker, Champs, and Eastbay.

Added KithNYC

Instead of redirecting to the cart, the extension redirects to checkout when possible.

Added SNS (Sneakersnstuff) as well as updated existing sites.

No Important Updates.

Added Adidas US.

Updated logo.

Added Adidas AE, Adidas AU, Adidas CA, Adidas UK.

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