Digital Wealth Optimization, equity research, and portfolio management for investors of all levels
Create real-life efficient portfolios or optimize your existing investments using fast mean-variance optimization engine. Research cross-sector performance of stocks, funds, and ETFs and monitor their performance over time. Research and compare equities across many fundamental and technical indicators to make better investment decisions. Analyze digital currencies and their volatility. Build correlation matrixes and analyze risk-adjusted performance of portfolios. Get real-time buy, hold, or sell recommendations based on your time horizon and risk appetite. Optionally share portfolios with your family, friends, colleagues or clients.
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- Version1.0.1.2
- UpdatedSeptember 18, 2013
- Size15.32KiB
- LanguagesEnglish (United States)
- Developer
- Non-traderThis developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.
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