The prom is a very important event in the life of anyone.This girl is very much linked to beauty and you should help her make a real beauty treatment for the skin in your home it already has all the necessary products you simply follow the instructions properly and at the end it will be even more beautiful with sure.
The prom is a very important event in the life of anyone! Prepare this girl for the party making a complete facial and choosing the most elegant dress.
About Makeover:
A makeover is a term applied to changing one's appearance, sometimes through cosmetics. Makeovers can range from something as simple as a new haircut, to the use of cosmetic surgery, to the extreme of the implantation of dental veneers, eye-color-changing contact lenses, and the use of appearance-altering gastric bypass surgeries, providing massive, permanent fat loss in obese persons, and the associated plastic surgeries, such as abdominoplasty, to eliminate the resulting loose-hanging skin folds.
A makeunder is based on the opposite principle - removing artificial enhancements to a person's appearance to give a more 'natural' look.