Heavenly Meditated (FREE)

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Enter the realm of Heavenly Meditated and begin your spiritual journey today! Featuring refreshing 5 minute meditations.***Version 1.5 Features (May 30th, 2013 Release):
*5 new meditations added based on the sounds of nature including: Spring shower, rain forest, thunderstorm, windy downpour, and crackling fire.
*Text size increased 3x to improve readability.
*Audio skipping issue fixed (audio now streams rather than being decompressed).
*Volume horizontal scroll bar added for easy audio level control.
*Tranquil pond added to the spiritual journey for enhanced relaxation.
*Heavenly Meditated Official "Blog / Support" button integrated.
*Each affirmation now provides two meditation options. One with the "I am" affirmation, and the other based on nature sounds only.
*Audio quality for each meditation has been improved.

Let go and become immersed in the sounds of nature. Rain, wind, thunder, and crickets spill into your inner space as the soothing voice of soul confirms the affirmation. As calmness of mind prevails, brief yet powerful "I am" affirmations will echo throughout your entire being planting the seeds of new beliefs. Each 5 minute meditation will leave you feeling refreshed and connected to soul. This new release features 10 five-minute meditations! (Full Version Only)

Lao Tzu, author of the tao te ching, will dispense great wisdom in defining each affirmation. The affirmation series features: Self-Love, Soul, Perfect Health, Inner Peace, and True Wealth. (Self-Love included in free trial)

Upon completion of each meditation, you will be awarded with the unique badge of affirmation and will carry it along the spiritual journey.

This three-dimensional spiritual realm is your escape from chaos, anytime, anywhere.

What IS Heavenly Meditated???

Meditating under my warm comforter in bed I am filled with love and gratitude. As I scan the room before me visible only by the dancing flame of the apple spiced candle my heart warms. To the west, Lao Tzu looks in my direction with his loving, enlightened, porcelain grin. To the south, a painting of white lilies. To the north, The Buddha meditating under the Bodhi tree. This room may be all of one-hundred feet squared, but this space… it’s infinite. I see the beauty, magic, and limitless potential within all things.

There is nothing sweeter than meditating. My name is Shane Burke and I will be your meditation non-guru. Consider me a kind of middle man. Between Earth, and the stars. It can be frustrating listening to audio, or reading text from spiritual teachers that lived thousands of years ago. They reside in a state of mind far off into space, a place where you would like to be. Meanwhile, you are here in the modern world, standing on Earth attempting to apply their wisdom in your own life. The concepts you hear or read may be lost in translation leaving you with the feeling that you will never learn to meditate, or be fulfilled. That’s where I come in, hovering somewhere above Earth but not quite into space, heavenly meditated.

I took my first breath as a newborn in the steel city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We remained in the ‘Burgh until my father chased a job far south to Safety Harbor, Florida. I was five years old on the train ride to my new home and was completely mesmerized by the concept of lizards. My sister and mother were most surely stressed by the move, but not me. My mind was focused on those little creatures full of dinosaur mimicry. How incredibly simple life was back in those days. No thoughts of money, power, sex, or drugs, just lizards. I had yet to be infected by the virus called ego and the desires of this lower self.

Living in the Sunshine State was certainly different. After two years I recall wondering where winter had gone. Time playing outside was in no short supply. Each house on the cul-de-sac was filled with other kids my age. We played sport after sport but my favorite was baseball. I quickly fell in love with the game and that was where my attention would remain for the majority of my youth.

I was a pitcher and my shoulder was the most important part of my body. At the age of fourteen, I began experiencing shoulder pain. I had a torn labral requiring surgery. Following the surgery, I was prescribed months of Vicodin which in turn made me feel heavily medicated. My gateway drug was not found in some dark ally downtown from a drug dealer, it was prescribed to me by a doctor. By the age of seventeen, following two failed shoulder surgeries and bottles of painkillers, I was told that throwing a baseball would simply not happen again. I was like a deer trapped in headlights. Up until this moment, baseball had been my life’s vision, there was no backup plan. The news that I would not play again was devastating. It was on this day that I drank my first beer, smoked my first cigarette, smoked marijuana for the first time, and consumed a tablet of MDMA also know as ecstasy. I didn’t even bother with a downward spiral, I jumped off the cliff and dropped out of high school. At some moment since I was that little boy amazed by lizards, I caught the virus. The ego within my being was in charge and very self-destructive.

My ego’s belief system was that money would lead to power, and power to the fulfillment of all needs. Once all needs were met, happiness would follow. No better place to be than the greedy world of finance. At eighteen, I began day trading penny stocks while consuming mass amounts of marijuana. This led to the accumulation of money. I recall tracking a stock for a month, waiting for the perfect moment to buy. One afternoon, everything aligned perfectly and the stock experienced a huge gain. I net over $8,000 profit that afternoon. The stock market closed, and I hopped in the pool to loosen up after sitting in front of the computer all day. I had never made so much money before, and should be in a celebratory mood. Instead, I was totally numb, and unfulfilled. Years went by as a trader, and fulfillment was never achieved.

It was around this period in my life at the age of twenty-one in which suicidal thoughts prevailed. I thought that if achieving precisely what I had set out to achieve would not provide happiness, nothing would. I questioned, what is the point in living? A few months into this phase in my life, I attracted exactly what I had been thinking about throughout my days. A near death experience. Who would have thought that opening a frozen pizza was deadly. It was the weekend of July 4th, I had just returned home from playing basketball outside in the wicked hot Florida sun. The sun has been a trigger of migraine headaches in my past, and today was one of those migraine days. The remedy was to eat, take three aspirin, and go lie down in a dark room until the pain subsided. I was working on step one, preparing a meal when it happened. It was a stubborn frozen pizza. I had wield a butcher knife to cut through the thick plastic, carefully slicing away from my body. I then attempted to slide the pizza out, but a little more plastic needed cut in order to free this pizza from the plastic over-wrap. My temples pounding from the migraine, vision blurred, without thinking I turned the knife toward my body giving one quick jerk. I never felt the knife go in my left forearm, even though it nearly came out the other side. I did, however, feel the pain upon pulling it out!! Blood spurted from my arteries that were now sliced in two. There was a river of blood all over the kitchen as I began to panic in an attempt to slow the blood loss. I called my mother who had ironically gone to see a movie, and her ringer was off. I stood at the sink, as the blood poured from my open wound, not realizing the severity of the situation. Hours went by, she called back, picked me up at home, and we rushed off to the hospital. I recall laying in the hospital bed, not caring if I continued living. It would be years later that I learned of the law of attraction, but I can confidently assume that my thoughts leading up to the accident ultimately manifested that scenario to play out.

At this stage in my life, I had not yet begun the practice of meditation and probably would have laughed at the thought of doing such a thing. Ego was still the commander of my vessel but there was one thing capable of steering the ship on occasion and that was to have a passion for something. I did, and it was for nature. I wanted to protect the planet, dedicate my life to solar energy (eventually bio-fuel). I developed a website for this new venture, which still exists to this day. The concept was using the technology provided by satellite imaging software to view a clients home from space in order to determine if solar panels would be effective on their property. I would then organize a coalition of solar panel installers to get the job done. This led to many prospective clients, but then, reality struck. The only way solar panels were affordable for an average person was with government rebates. These rebates were only granted if the installation was completed by a government certified installer. To become a certified installer, a person had to be one of the lucky few accepted into the certification program, which only allowed fifty new applicants annually. Half of whom, were from the State of California. Do the math, and you quickly discover that the odds of matching a certified installer within traveling distance of a client, are rare. My ego had tallied enough reasons for why this venture was a failure and took control once again.

Years flew by and I moved to Massillon, OH in an attempt to pitch again, but with my other arm. This experiment did not go so well. I played the best I could but in the end, I was not a lefty. The season was heart-breaking as my ego had devised a story of pitching professionally as a south paw. Reality set in that this would never happen. My ego needed a boost so it was time to pursue money again. I began day trading the currency market as apparently, I need to learn the same lesson twice for it to set roots. Money does not equal fulfillment. As a currency trader, the market never sleeps. It is open for one-hundred-and-twenty consecutive hours every week. I traded every hour during the week and slept the entire weekend. I was beyond miserable and suffering. One night while trading, I was flipping through the channels and noticed a PBS special by Wayne Dyer about the teachings of a guy named Lao Tzu. I started reading the book authored by Lao Tzu called the “Tao Te Ching” translating as “the book of the way”. The book consisted of eighty-one poems. As I read poem by poem, I felt the need to sit with my eyes closed and contemplate what that wise old master was sharing. By accident, I began meditating.

As a new meditator, I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of a fireplace, the glare from the fire creating a spectacle of light through the eyelids of my closed eyes. Thoughts would appear, like little bubbles floating around my head. Sitting there, I could not help but question, am I meditating? Having never attempted this before, nor spoke to anyone that had, the concept of meditating remained elusive. That was okay though, as it quickly became a relaxing activity that I looked forward to each night. I felt kind of cool, sitting there, all alone with my thoughts. One evening, I’d estimate a month into partaking in this new activity, the most amazing experience of my life occurred. I was sitting cross-legged in front of the fire, I was maybe twenty minutes into the meditation, and WHOOSH! It felt as if a beam of light energy was exploding through the region on my forehead between my eyebrows. The sensation was so intense that my head was knocked backwards, tears began running down my face, I had not a clue what was happening. Peace and clarity overtook my entire being. It was at that moment I realized the power of meditation. Today, I know what I experienced that night. The location between the eyebrows is known as the third eye chakra or mind’s eye. For the first time in my life, my third eye opened. More to come on the third eye and chakras a little later on.

Knowing that my reason for being in Ohio was to play baseball, and since that was no longer doable, I moved to Daytona Beach, FL. I became obsessed with bio-fuel. I began setting up bio-reactors in my condo to grow algae. I would take the algae, extract the oil, and make pollution free biodiesel. I even enrolled in college at Daytona State just to take a plant biology course to increase my knowledge of algae, among other things. I was directionless and trying to settle into some profession that would pay the bills as well as provide fulfillment. By now, meditation had become a daily practice. As I was meditating one evening I experienced an epiphany. People will not care about the external environment, until they care about their internal environment. This new conviction led me away from the belief that environmental science was my life’s purpose, and sprung me into computer science. But, I questioned, why this profession?

Having dabbled in website development for years, I felt a wind blowing me in the direction to advance those skills, and master computer programming. Learning this new skill was like learning Mandarin. Computer programming was not innate. I had to over learn everything about the subject to get it right. I could not explain why, I just knew that this skill was essential. You could say that it was a gut feeling. I had to master this, no matter what, this was high priority. Then, BAM! While meditating, the vision of Heavenly Meditated struck. It was in this moment that I discovered my life’s purpose, to be a catalyst in making meditation go viral by harnessing technology. I envisioned thousands of people, all in a virtual space, meditating together. There was Lao Tzu, Buddha, The Dalai Lama, Wayne Dyer all of the most influential spiritual teachers of my life, together in the spiritual realm.

The next day, I began to manifest this vision. Every morning, afternoon, and night, I would meditate with all focus on this manifestation. Day by day, I learned whatever was necessary to see this vision to completion. Be it advancing my skills in a new programming language, 3D modeling software, music composition, social marketing, website design, anything and everything. Ten months from the night of the vision, the first version of Heavenly Meditated went live worldwide on the Android and Kindle Fire app stores. I had dedicated nearly a year, all day, every day to this manifestation. But was there any feeling of fulfillment? Or, was it a numb, hollow feeling similar to that which was felt following success as a day trader? The day the app went live, I was completely drained. My brain hurt, eyes were sore, finger tips aching, and I recall literally walking into a wall from pure exhaustion. Its that feeling when you cram all night to study for a test, except I had been cramming for 300 straight days!

That night, I nuzzled into my favorite cross-legged meditating posture. I relaxed into the space of no thought. As I sat there, experiencing pure peace, I could feel intense vibrations around my mouth creating a faint twitching sensation. A grin was taking form. Before long, I had an ear to ear smile across my face. The space of no thought was suddenly invaded by flashes of the effort to give birth to this manifestation. The thoughts spiraled throughout my mind each filling my heart with a degree of warmth. This was the feeling that had been lacking in all previous endeavors throughout my life. This was fulfillment!

Available on all Android phones and tablets, Kindle Fire and Nook. Only $2.99!

Available on all computers from the Chrome Web Store. Only $2.99!

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