Create code, quickly.Quickdojo was created to help Coderdojo's get coding quickly.
:: No finicky setups, just code & publish ::
:: Like Thimble only no distractions ::
:: Like Notepad but with publish to web ::
:: Login with G+ to get dedicated folders ::
One of our first day goals for students at our Coderdojo, is to come away with their very own web-page. It's the "Hey Mum, look what I built" factor or the equivalent of taking that Artwork home from school, that we all proudly place on the fridge.
That's been a challenge with a large group. Lot's of valuable class time can get wasted on FTP setups, passwords etc. & distract from learning.
There are tools out there like Thimble & Codeanywhere that come close but we needed something simpler, closer to notepad (ie no cheatsheets) and a dedicated student folder to keep their coding projects in one place. And as a "chromedojo" it had to be browser-based.
So that's why we made specifically for our dojo. It saved a ton of time for our mentors. Please feel free to try it for yours. It's completely free & open-source.