A writers word processor nothing to learn just type and ctrl-shift-p to print.I just published a new version with a major rewrite on 24-4-13.
Just start typing, everything is saved automatically. Printing is done by pressing shift-ctrl-p all at the same time.
You can have any color you want as long as its black
Whatever you type is saved automatically so you will never have to say damn it I forgot to save that. Use as to do list, passwords, letters and any text you want to save.
Keep your most important information 1 click away. Optimized for printing.
Prints perfect page; It prints exactly whats inside the text area as the way you see it. Emulates typewriter without any frills.
How does this increase productivity?
If you need to write you find you can do better work with a pen or on a typewriter rather than with a word processor on a PC,because a word processor distracts you from writing with its many editing features. A lot of times I play with the word processors features rather than concentrating on the reason I set down to write in the first place, to explain an important idea or topic.
Reviews of Note the Typwriter Emulator application