Tadpole DB Hub

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DB collaboration tool(Altibase, Apache Hive, Apache Tajo, CUBRID, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)Tadpole DB Hub is DB collaboration tool, various environment based interface for managing Altibase, Apache Hive, Amazon RDS, CUBRID, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Tibero, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases.
It enables you to handle typical DB over the web.

1.RDB Feature
- Select, Insert, Update, Delete
- SQL Syntax Highlighting
- SQL Formatting
- SQL Statement <-> Java, PHP String Literal Each Convert
- SQL Assist
- SQL audit
- Import CSV Data
- Import SQL Query
- Execute SQL Statement
- SQL Result Set to CSV
- SQL History And Export text
- Generate SQL Statement (Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Table, View, Index, Procedure, Function, Trigger)
- ER Diagram
- Support user extension point

2.MongoDB Feature
- Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera)
- User Management (Admin, Manager, User)
- MongoDB User Management
- Query View(Tree, Table, Text)
- Show query plan and console
- Download query result
- GridFS(Insert, Delete, Download)
- Server Status
- Collection Assist
- Top
- Web Console
- Current, Kill Operation
- Query Profiling
- ServerSide JavaScript
- MapReduce
- Generate ER Diagram (Auto Layout)

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