Get On Top

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Jump, push, and pull to get on top of the other fighter!There are few games that give so much fun and bring out the competitive genius in you such as Get on Top. The player who has their head touching the ground looses. It takes a lot of navigation and dexterity to make the most of each maneuver. If you are someone who loves a good combat game, this is the game for you. Simple characters and beautiful graphics make this game great.

Install this thrilling, fun, beautifully designed game. You'll love the slow motion victories, neon minimalist characters, and awesome sound effects.

Instructions: Use the Arrow keys to control the person on the right. Use WASD keys to control the person on the left. Only use either WASD or the arrow keys - the computer will play as the other character. If you want to play Multiplayer, one person uses WASD and the other uses the arrow keys. If the computer detects two people playing, it will not interfere.

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