Link to David Lee EdTech websiteThe David Lee EdTech website is an online resource that provides visitors with an overview about educational technology and presents related information, resources, and ideas on the topic. To fulfill this goal, the objectives of the website are to:
Provide a hub for educators and students to connect them to the latest information and ideas on education and educational technology: Through my blog and other social media platforms, visitors can have access to information on the field of education, education initiatives, and educational technology from various sources.
Provide detail on the field of educational technology: Visitors can come to understand how technology is involved in education, and how instructional and learning theories are used to execute technology integration.
Describe the role of a technology instructor: Visitors are provided with the overview of what goes on in the technology classroom. They are presented with the technology curriculum, through pacing guides, unit maps, and lesson plans. The site also provides the technology standards of the curriculum, classroom expectations, and links to educational websites for students.
Describe the role of a EdTech Integration Specialist: Visitors can learn about the role and responsibilities of an educational technology integrationist, while teachers are provided with ideas and resources to integrate technology into their classrooms.