ST Math®

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Current version: 11.2.0
Price: FREE
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Visual instructional software for mathematics K-8. **Activation code required**An activation code is REQUIRED to use ST Math!

ST Math is available for purchase by schools and school districts only.Please visit us at for more information.

About ST Math:

Developed by the nonprofit MIND Research Institute, the ST Math instructional software is designed to help all students reach math proficiency through self-paced, language-independent, mastery-based objectives. Aligned to state and Common Core standards, ST Math uses a blended learning approach of 1:1 online instruction through the software and teacher-guided instruction integrating the software games into classroom lessons. ST Math software games incrementally increase in difficulty and provide immediate feedback. Educators are able to access real-time student learning data, allowing for differentiation based on each students’ level of understanding.

Most recently, MIND introduced touch functionality to the software. With the touch-enabled ST Math, teachers and students can access the web-based software anywhere, anytime and on nearly any mobile device. Touch capability further immerses students in a richly interactive, hands-on and gesture-based learning experience. The software system links seamlessly with interactive whiteboards.

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