Export contacts to google sheet

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Current version: 2
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Purpose : This app will extract the sender address from last 50 emails that are labelled as "Contact" and save it in a spreadsheet…Purpose : This app will extract the sender address from last 50 emails that are labelled as "Contact" and save it in a spreadsheet in your google drive. All the threads scanned will be labelled as "Scanned". It will also check for duplicates and save only new contacts.

Benefit: The contacts can be exported from the spreadsheet in CSV, TSV etc. and can be used to add them in a subscriber / mailing list, send invites etc.

How to use it:
You need to do 3 things.
1. Label some emails as "Contact". You can do that manually or use the filters in Gmail.
2. Create a sub-label called "Scanned" under the "Contacts" label.
3. Create a spreadsheet file called "contactemails" in your drive in any folder of your choice.

Run the app from the app drawer when you are ready. The file named "contactemails" will be populated with the relevant email addresses.

PS: Take care of the letter case.
PPS: This is an open source software and the code is available here :-

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