Helpful Calculators

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A handy set of financial calculators with charts. Includes mortgage repayment, affordability and compound interest calculators.Helpful Calculators provides a set of financial calculators and accompanying charts.

Included are:

Mortgage Guide

A rough guide to how much you may be able to borrow for a mortgage. Inputs are salaries (yours and potentially your partners), monthly expenses, and deposit saved.

Output is a graph showing the likely range a bank may offer, as well as the average house price in your country.

Mortgage Repayment Calculator

A calculator that will help you to decide how much you can afford to borrow based on your disposable income and the mortgage interest rate on offer.

Also handy for looking at early repayment options on an existing mortgage.

Compound Interest Calculator

A calculator that graphically shows the benefits of saving regularly and early in life.

Includes the breakdown of principal, deposits and interest payments over the life of an investment.

Great for teaching and encouraging kids about saving!

All calculators can be set in one of four currencies: US dollars, Euros, UK pounds or Australian dollars.

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