The theme of the game is thrilling exploration of the unseen world of chemistry.Tap a molecule to split it. Splitting the molecule into single atoms and cause a molecule chain reaction. The goal of the game is to pass each level by splitting minimum number of molecules set for each level. Pass through all the levels and go for the hiscore! The theme of the game is thrilling exploration of the unseen world of chemistry. This game tries to capture it with idea of chaos and randomness at molecular level.
'Split the Molecules' is a multiplatform and cross browser game that explores minimalistic design and resolution independent gameplay. Its design is sleek and utilises landscape and portrait responsive formatting so it is compatible on any device. This game is created by mixing both DOM and Canvas technologies. The main game area is rendered the using HTML Canvas' low level drawing APIs , and all the Game UI (eg. menus, buttons and text) with DOM elements that are overlapping the canvas element.