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Current version: 1.4
Price: FREE
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Automatically get the best deals for items you are shopping.Tired of searching for items in all the e-commerce websites? Want a better solution to shop online? Then Shopmasti is the way to go.

Shopmasti automatically notifies you of the better deals from other retailers. The notification provides a convenient link straight to the relevant page on the competing website.

Eg: You may be looking to buy a camera and visit You like a Nikon coolpix camera on flipkart. There may be better deals on amazon, ebay or any other retailer but you are not aware of those. You go to the product page of nikon coolpix on flipkart.

If there are better deals available on other retailers then a shopmasti notification will popup. You can then see how much discount you are getting from other retailers.

Isn't it cool? Why wait then? Download Shopmasti now save some money.

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