Carts SweetHoney dresses automaticallyCart SweetHoney products fast. In order to set this extension up, you must go to your extensions and click the "options" link under to the "SweetHoney Carter" extension. You will see fields for "Name Search", "Exclude Names", "Quantity", and "Size".
"Name Search" is for looking for a specific item that you know will have a word in its name, such as "butterfly".
"Exclude Names" is for when you don't know what the new item will be called on the page but you know what the existing items are and you just want to cart the new item when it comes up. Simply enter the full titles of all the existing items, separated by commas, such as "Gift Card,Sweet Honey Colorful Tiered Dress", etc...
"Quantity" and "Size" are self-explanatory... they will automatically select those options in the carting process.
Make sure you are logged in first, fill out the options in the extension, then simply visit the sweet honey homepage and the extension will do its work. If you don't want the extension to do its work at any time, simply disable the extension.