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Current version: 1.1.36
Price: FREE
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Kongregate Legacy of a Thousand Suns Raid Link HelperThis is the official port of ("doomscript") to the Chrome Store.

Raid links will display name, FS, OS/Target, can remove images, and more (user customizable). Raid links will refresh the game, not the whole page. All links posted to chat are remembered, and more!

License: "Kongregate Legacy of a Thousand Suns Raid Link Helper" (henceforth known as "doomscript") is free to download/install and use unlimited times on unlimited devices. You're allowed to modify the script/extension for personal use, but you need written permission from doomcat to distribute those modifications. If you plan to distribute doomscript in whole or in part, modified or not, as part of an application other than in the userscript format, some fees may apply. Contact doomcat for pricing.

Warranty: This extension comes with no assurance or guarantee of functionality, suitability, or other promise of working as you intend. doomscript is provided as-is.

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