Boost your admin and developer productivity on with Boostr!
Current features include:
- Ability to search when…Boost your admin and developer productivity on with Boostr!
Current features include:
- Ability to search when adding items to a change set
- Filtering by type when adding to a change set
- Showing all items of a given type on one page when adding to a change set
- Adding checkbox to table header in admin area to check and uncheck all items in that column
- Displaying the API Name next to field names when editing a field set
- Using Pascal Case for the API Name when creating new objects and fields
- Preventing the placeholder text from filling in the setup area sidebar
- Display number of selected fields on field history tracking page
- Ability to uncheck all page layouts by default when creating a new field.
More features coming soon!
If you have a feature request or any feedback, tweet me @mattsimonis
Boostr is open source! Feel free to contribute!