Angular 2 - Tour of Heroes as a chrome extension with hot module reload capability.GITHUB:
- Running as an extension downloaded from the Chrome Web Store introduces performance penalties likely due to Chrome's built-in restrictions. To remove this performance bottleneck, it is recommended to use an unloaded extension from the GitHub repository.
A proof of concept extension for Angular 2 development that bypasses common file restrictions when not running in a web server. It uses a development configuration using typescript which transpiles directly in the browser rather than a build configuration featuring a single javascript file for the application. It uses SystemJS as the module loader.
Angular 2 in Chrome includes the dependencies and devDependencies found in v2.2.0 Angular 2 Tour of Heroes by John Papa.
It also incorporates a hot module reload capability implementing the hmr primitives by Alexis Vincent for SystemJS that utilizes a web worker to monitor file system changes, and reload the whole page or only a specific module of a page when a source file has changed.
Lastly, the this extension incorporates other tweaks to the assets in the Angular 2 Tour of Heroes to better adapt it for development in a local file system instead of running in a web server.