Adds a mini-player for PandoraThe Pandora Mini-Player opens a window when you listen to music on
The mini-player allows you to like, dislike, pause/play, or skip a song.
It has a slick interface that shows the title of the song, the song artist, the album the song is on, and a large image of the album artwork. By clicking on the title/artist/album name you can see more information about each option.
You have the option of always having the player open when ever the song changes if it has been closed or having it open only on the first song. You can also reopen the player at anytime by clicking the show mini-player option on the control bar on Pandora.
The mini-player is a handy tool that allows you to listen and interact with music on Pandora without using the full webpage. You can switch between stations and add or remove stations from the shuffle mix. It is great if you want a small indicator on your screen or if you don't want to switch to a different tab to control your music streaming.
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