Mobile-Friendly Checker

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Current version: 1.2.5
Price: FREE
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This extension checks if a page passes Google's mobile-friendly testPLEASE READ: The Mobile-Friendly Checker can take up to 30 seconds to display the score. This can be due to a number of resources slowing down the crawling of the page. If you do not see a score within 30 seconds, it likely means there is an issue with the page and not the extension.

Google recently announced that:

"Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal"

This means that passing Google's mobile-friendly test will become very important to webmasters. However, Google's own mobile-friendly test currently only tells you if you 'pass' or 'fail' with some recommendations to improve, if you have failed the test.

Get ahead of the curve!

This powerful extension unlocks the data that Google provides when assessing the mobile-friendliness of your page. Now, not only can you see if your page passes the test but you can also see how well it passes, along with the impact of each mobile rule:

1. Viewport configuration
2. Font legibility
3. Use of incompatible plugins
4. Content size to viewport
5. Size and proximity of links

This extension also shows you a screenshot of how Googlebot sees the page (just like Google's mobile-friendly test).

The final feature of this extension is a bulk checker, which links to the amazing bulk mobile checker built by Kostas Voudouris. You can check up to 20 URLs using this feature.

The smartphone icon used in this extension is made by Freepik from and is licensed by CC BY 3.0

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