Tab Means Tab

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More than 219 users worldwide
Current version: 1.2.5
Price: FREE
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Makes the tab key act like a tab key.Both negative reviews on this extension are due to its inability to work on Gmail. My extension, nor anyone elses', can override what Google will not allow. This will not tab in Gmail because Gmail stops it.

In browsers, the tab key is used to move to the next item in a web page. However, some people would prefer it act the way it does in a word processor (i.e. inserting a tab).

I lack an opinion on which functionality of the tab key is better; I'm merely offering this as an option for those who would prefer it.

Thanks to someone being thoughtful enough to donate, I've re-visited this extension and improved the functionality. Major improvements being the ability to insert tabs at the cursor (i.e. anywhere in a body of text) and disable tabbing via Shift+tab.

If you're feeling generous: donations are always welcome.

*In order to use this in local files: on the Extensions page, enable "Allow access to file URLs" for this extension.

*If the tabbing works like it normally does in a browser and does not insert a tab, it is due to the extension not being loaded or the site prohibiting extension interference. All of Google's sub-domains (web store and email included) cause some problems/disable extensions. If you encounter this on other sites, please give me the specific site/page so I may try to debug it.

*When you enable/disable this, I would recommend restarting Chrome or refreshing all tabs. Until you do, it won't change the action of the tab key.

*It says this extension can access your data and history because it is designed to work in every tab. I guarantee that this doesn't do anything with your data...except inserting a tab sometimes ;)

*Using the disable tab feature: use Shift+Tab, this will cause you to go backwards to the previous element on the page (default function of Shift+Tab). If you press Tab now, it will be the default function of going to the next element.If you press Shift+Tab repeatedly, you will continue going backwards through the elements (like you normally would).

=Version Log=
Version 1.2.5 Updated manifest to 2. Removed background page.
Version 1.2.3 Shift+tab for default tab function
Version 1.2.2 Tab can replace selection
Version 1.2.1 Code cleanup
Version 1.2.0 Tab insertion is at cursor
Version 1.1.2: Enabled on secure pages.
Version 1.1.1: Decreased the load time required for the extension.
Version 1.1: Added tabbing in local files.
Version 1.0: Initial release.

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