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Current version: 1.4
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Displays the Reddit comments for any webpage you go to right alongside the pageThe extension displays comments from Reddit for the webpage you are viewing. The extension is useful for websites that don't have a comments section. For example, if you are viewing the website of a local restaurant or company, you can view the reviews and comments about the company right alongside the website, or post comments for other people who visit the site to see.

It's also another way to use Reddit. Rather than post and find only comments about pages that have broad appeal (i.e. those that can make it to the front page of a subreddit), you can submit comments for pages that are only important to a few people (i.e. those who are actually viewing the website and found it outside of reddit). Also, if you are ever wondering whether a site has been submitted to reddit before, this saves you the trouble of searching it up.

Notes on use:
1. If there are comments for a webpage on Reddit, "reddit" will appear across the icon to the right of the address bar
2. Clicking the icon will load the comments from Reddit for you to see
3. If the link has never been submitted to Reddit, a "Post to Reddit" button will appear, which will open Reddit in a new window for you to submit the link to Reddit
4. If the link has been submitted to Reddit, you can click the "Go to Thread" button to view the comment directly on Reddit and vote or submit new comments
5. You can include a rating in your comment by including "Rating:?", where ? is a integer between 0 and 5 (e.g. "this is a great restaurant Rating:5"). Do not include a space between "Rating:" and the number.
6. If you are concerned about privacy and don't want the extension to send Reddit the URL of pages you visit automatically (to check if comments are available), there is an option to turn this feature off on the "Settings" tab for all pages and just specific sites (i.e. the blacklist).

I'll be adding additional features later on. Hopefully this is useful.

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