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Current version: 1.0.2
Price: FREE
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Meet Edgar: the only app that stops social media updates from going to waste.Edgar is a social media scheduling tool like no other. Instead of publishing your updates just once and throwing them away like yesterday’s rubbish, he carefully catalogues them in a limitless library that you build over time.

All of your updates are sorted into categories that you create and published on a schedule that you choose, so Edgar publishes what you want, when you want it. No manual scheduling, no busywork, and no hassle - just the peace of mind that only Edgar can provide.

After Edgar publishes every update in a category, he simply pulls more from your library. You never run out of messages in your queue, and your handcrafted updates get the chance to be seen, shared, and loved by brand new people.

Post Smarter:

-Create custom categories for sorting your updates
-Use analytics to determine what type of content you should be posting and when
-Build a schedule for each network, so Edgar knows which category of update to post at which times
-Never run out of updates in your queue again
-Ensure that every update gets the chance to find a new audience
-Edgar supports Facebook (pages, profiles, and groups) Twitter, and LinkedIn (profiles and company pages)

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