Shut up and cast

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Current version: 1.0.6
Price: FREE
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Adds a page content to various sites to push video files to your Chromecast### Shut up and Cast

Thanks for the 4000 odd users of my previous chrome plugin [Stream to XBMC](, I have decided to extend the plugin's capability to be used with the most popular casting device and the one which started it all, Chromecast. If you have a Chromecast and want to watch videos from sites for which there is no Chromecast app, you have come to the right place.

*Shut up and cast* is designed to do just that. It supports the following sites:


### How to use the plugin?

Install the plugin first (Duh!). Go to any video link from the above list of sites. At the top right corner of you Chrome Address Bar, you should see a small icon when the plugin detects a video link which can be pushed to your Chromecast. Click the icon, it should open another tab from which you can choose your Chromecast (it can take a couple of seconds to detect the Chromecast). Select your chromecast, sit back and enjoy!!!

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