Backburnr tag the important stuff! I had notes, todos, messages, links and many other pieces of data spread across many different notebooks. These notebooks were really easy to use and I enjoyed continually adding stuff to them.
But the real problem with this system was I could never remember what was in them, I continually had to flick through them - It just didn't work.
So I built Backburnr, a place where you could add "stuff" and get reminded about it without having to continuously go and look pages of data.
The daily reminder is sent by email and it contains random stuff from Backburnr which you have added (e.g watch Schindler's list). This helps me stay on track and remember stuff I have logged.
Backburnr also contains Schedules which can be used to add daily, weekly, monthly reminders on other stuff I think will be worth tracking i.e Every Monday send me all stuff tagged "todo".
This is how Backburnr works and I hope it helps you the same way it has helped me.