Time Worked Tracker for Joomla! CMS

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More than 42 users worldwide
Current version: 1.0.0
Price: FREE
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Simple and convenient time tracking. A browser plugin for time tracking that expands TimeWorked 4 Joomla extension.This Chrome plugin is a great tool for reporting and keeping track of the time you spend on certain tasks while at work.

The plugin is using the Time Worked 4 Joomla! CMS extension as its server backend so you should have the Joomla with Time Worked 4 Joomla! CMS installed on one of your servers.

In order to test the plugin install it and enter the demo version URL: http://timeworked4joomla.com
Username: albert.einstein
Password: albert.einstein

More details: http://www.giantleaplab.com/our-software/time-worked-for-joomla-cms
Time Worked 4 Joomla! CMS description and demo: http://timeworked4joomla.com
Support: http://support.giantleaplab.com

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