
Rate 5 / 1 votes
More than 24 users worldwide
Current version: 1.26.2800
Price: FREE
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Like this extension ? Like/Share it! pluginThis extension is a share button for every page on the web. You can share any web page by using the Threding button on the toolbar.

Go to any website and click on the Threding Plugin icon on the toolbar. A popup will open, allowing you to choose from a selection of icons found on the specific page you are viewing. Once you select the icon to be shared within the Threding site, a second popup will open requesting privacy authorization on who you want to share this content with. Share any link with the privacy you require, without compromising on simplicity. Manually copying and pasting web addresses is a thing of the past because the Threding plugin does all this for you and more. Give your post a category such as interests, health and fitness, recipes etc. With the Threding plugin sharing web content just got easier and safer!

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