Navigate comments left by Rioter's on /r/leagueoflegends much like the system used on Riot's forumsThis extension will allow users to easily see when a Rioter has commented on a Reddit post in /r/leagueoflegends. It provides user friendly buttons much like the League of Legends forums.
- Results are cached to avoid excess and redundant reddit api requests.
- Added options popup and an icon
- Added control cache duration to options popup
- Added comment threshold to release cache to options popup (number of new comments required to force a cache refresh)
- Added on front page a tooltip when hovering over the "X Rioter Comments" that lists all the Rioters that participated in comments.
- Works with multi-reddits
- Added a couple of optional features for unrelated thing. (Show thumbnails of posts flagged as spoilers and showing post ranking)
Originally modified from this verion (but now quite different):
Reviews of RedTracker for Reddit (by /u/corylulu) extension