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Current version: 0.0.2
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You found a typo, why not flag it to be fixed?You like grammar and appreciate good spelling skills. We get it. You visit a website and get hung up on the lousy spelling or grammar that you see and you want to fix it, but you can't.

Sure, you could leave a comment or try to email the site owner to get it fixed, and you would if you thought it would help, but it doesn't. The people that read the comments aren't the ones that can fix it and site owners don't typically give out a useful email. So, you're stuck. We get it. We're the same way.

It's ok that you can't fix it, but you can still satisfy your need to point out glaring errors.

Using grammarlert, just highlight the text you think should be fixed, click on the grammarlert icon at the top of your browser and then type in the suggestion. That suggestion will now be saved forever and anytime the site owner wants to check to see if anyone has found typos on their site, they can just visit and type in their domain.

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