Scrambler's Paradise

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Current version: 1.0
Price: FREE
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Scrambles all the words on every page that you visit, while keeping the first and last character of the words in place.This extension is a great tool for playing a prank on somebody. With this extension installed every word on every page that you visit will be scrambled, while keeping the first and last letter of each word in place. So it is possible to understand what the text is saying, but it gets very confusing fast. This description will look like this after scrambling it:
This enoeitsxn is a great tool for pnilayg a prank on sbdmooey. With this enxestion istelnlad every word on every page that you visit will be sermclbad, while kpeneig the first and last lteter of each word in place. So it is pslsobie to uesdnntrad what the text is synaig, but it gets very cfnoiunsg fast. This dipoierstcn will look like this after simlbacrng it:

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