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Current version: beta-3.0.0
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Track your lifeLifetab (beta) is a digital productivity and data tracking tool that will help you get stuff done, and help you record things you think are important so that you can analyze some of factors in your life that affect your productivity and overall happiness.

We're currently in beta, so the version that you're using is just a fraction of what we having waiting in the wings.

**NOTE** If lifetab doesn't open after installation, make sure you disable other extensions that open when you open a new tab. You can do this by going to more tools --> extensions in chrome.


- Daily Task List
Here's where you will put everything you want to get done during the day.

- Data Tracking
What get's measured gets managed. Track things like sleep, coffee consumption, exercise, meditation, productive hours worked and see the impacts they have on your productivity and happiness over time! In future versions, you will be able to run analytics on the data and really deduce what sort of impact these things have on your life.

You can only track the stock items currently, though in future versions you will be able to track whatever you want.

- Date Selector
Look back on the days past, or go to into the future and allocate tasks with the date selector.

- Quote of the Day
Quotes are great. The quote section is not just about standard 'GET SHIT DONE' quotes, some have been chosen to inspire thought, and to view things from different perspectives.

Upcoming features:

- Gratitude Section
Expressing gratitude daily has been shown to increase overall happiness and life satisfaction. Each day, take a minute to think about what you're grateful in life, and write it down! Life is the little things. So if it the nice fresh cup of coffee you've got in your hand, the smile that that person gave you at the grocery store, or the fact that you're lying down with your head on a nice cool pillow, write it down and be grateful!

- Note Section
Have a crazy moment of inspiration that you just need to get out of your head? This is where the note section comes in handy. Get to the note section as fast as you can hit control + t and record it in the note section.

- Journal

- Weekly Planning

Everyone wants to be more productive. If you're anything like me, you've used a bunch of different productivity apps, note taking software and journals to try and get more stuff done. Buuut I have never really stuck with any of them, and the best anything is the one that you actually use. I decided to hijack an action I do hundreds of times a day, opening a new tab, to keep me on track with my daily goals.

It's hard not to use a productivity planner when it's popping up in your face a hundred times a day!

So enjoy! Your feedback is welcomed - you can help create the productivity planner that works for YOU.

Lifetab - Your life, just a tab away.

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