Pinterest Sort

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Current version: 1.4.23
Price: FREE
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Sort Boards, Create Board Groups, and do it all automagically.Sort your Pinterest boards alphabetically or by the number of pins within the boards. You can also sort other pinners boards just as easily.

Group Boards into custom groups, or use Auto-Groups to automatically group them. Auto groups looks for boards that are hyphenated (ex. "Group - Name"). Permissions are kept to a minimum and solely used for the functionality of the extension.

Here's what you can do:
- Sort boards by board title or # of pins.
- Sort your boards or other pinners boards.
- (*Beta) Sort Pins by repins, likes, or comments when looking in boards, or via search. Does not save changes (on-screen only).
- (*Beta) Multi-Tab Support, Sort while using multiple tabs.
- (*Beta) Groups and Auto-Groups. Grouping boards into board groups. Auto groups finds hyphenated boards and you pick which to create.

**Sort Pins - This only works on the pins which have been loaded into the page.
11/23/2015 - Groups and auto-groups just added. Not to be confused with "shared groups", this feature allows users to group their boards.

After first installing the extension:
1) Close any and all currently opened tabs.
2) Perform a browser restart (close all browser windows and reopen).
3) It should work now, if you having problems please leave file a ticket.


**Bugs/Features: Don't forget if you encounter a bug or want to suggest a feature go to the tab that's located to the right of the reviews tab, then click on support.

*Updates Log:
- Added to manifest (more may be needed in the future).
- Patches to popup window breaking due to pinterest ui updates.
- Added logic for Collapse Toggle to display error message if DOM elements are not found on page.
- Temp patched manual sort boards to work with both personal and business type accounts.
- Added new feature to filter boards displayed by keyword.
- Visual Tweaks to Progress Spinner for Sort and Save Boards feature.
- Sort and Save functionality fixes (added informative progress spinner).
- Improving sort and save functionality (a little slower, but more reliable).
- Fixing issue with Sort's working great again!!!
- Fixed issue with Collapse Boards, for easy manual sorting...more to come.
- Improved Sorting Pins functionality. Adjustments made to collapse boards due to pinterest UI update.
- Fixed style issue resulting in columns shifting into a 3 column layout.
- Fixed "Save and Sort Boards" bug resulting in boards not saving on pinterest. If this does not work for you then please use the workaround under the support tab for the time being.
- Scrolling down page is no longer required for "Sort and Save". Fixed issue with push and pull from chrome. Added Auto-Scroll Functionality for other boards. Cleared some of the older logs.
- Updates to groups ui. Added Save to chrome, pull from chrome to make groups persistent across chrome. Made buttons in the header context specfic.
- Bug fix for sorting pins and sorting others boards.
- Changed tab query technique to address issues when popup is not communicating with pinterest tab.
- Correction needed in manifest.
- Added auto scroll when sort and saving boards. Added auto scrolling when syncing boards. Improved UI for deleting groups. No longer disabling the extension, content scripts only loaded when needed. Changed version system to X.X.X, improved build process. Warning: Groups are not synced yet, if browser history is cleared groups may be lost.

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