This is a simple reading ruler, useful when you are reading long texts on web.Reading Ruler is a Google Chrome extension that helps you to read long texts on web pages. This tool can assist dyslexic readers to keep their place on the page they are reading.
* Highlight current reading line
* Move the current line with arrow keys
* Automatic jump to next/previous page
* Smart adjustment when page resizes
* Color, opacity and Shadow adjustments
* Double click on text to start
* Key Up/Down to navigate
* ESC to cancel
Data Protection FAQ:
* Does the extension collect any user data?
** No, the Reading Ruler does not collect any kind of data.
* Does the extension track users?
** No, the Reading Ruler does not track users.
* Does the extension send data to any server?
** No, the Reading Ruler does not use any kind of server connection. All the processing is doing locally.
* Why does the extension need 'read and change websites' permission?
** Because the Reading Ruler needs the information of website elements to calculate and render the ruler.