Search and highlight multiple strings in webpages"Find Many Strings" lets you search and highlight multiple words in a webpage. The difference between the browser's in-built Find feature and FMS is that, for every word you search, the word is highlighted in a different color and the highlights of the old searches don't disappear.
WARNING: You need to reload all the tabs, if you want the extension to work on the tabs that were open prior to the installation of the extension.
The extension is open sourced and you can feel safe about installing it with the permissions it asks for. The permissions are needed to draw the highlighting bar in your pages.
*None of the accessed data is stored anywhere*. You can check the sources yourself, if interested at:
New feature by Varunkumar Nagarajan: Select a text and call FMS, the selected word will be autofilled in the search box, and various other bug fixes.
Feel free to email me for any questions, feedback, comments etc. on
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