MoneyTime button

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More than 110 users worldwide
Current version: 1.20
Price: FREE
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Get paid for your regular internet activityMoneyTime button will add a frame of ads around your chrome browser, these ads will generate revenue that goes to YOU. Every 24 hours the program sums up your clicks and impressions to accumulate the generated money for you. You can claim your money once you hit the $25 mark. On your first day you will see $0 in your balance

The developer (Shadow Technologies Ltd.) is not responsible for any Ad content, these ads may contain some degree of adult content, please follow the guidelines below to keep your browsing safe. By installing this extension you agree to the terms of use which remove any possible damage responsibility/liability from the developer of this extension.

General Guidelines for using MoneyTime button:
1. By default, the program adds only four ads: top, bottom, right and left.
2. You can choose to have less ads but this will reduce the rate of generated revenue.
3. SHADOW.COM uses third party ad-networks to display these ads. The content of ads are not in our control.
4. Some ads might have a degree of adult content.
5. Some ads may be game invitations.
6. Some ads will falsely tell you that you won hundreds of millions of dollars.
7. You can safely click on any ad you see, but if the content of the landing page seems suspicious, do not continue.
8. Clicking ads that trigger your interest will accelerate your credit.
9. When working with full-screen (maximise your browser window) you generate much less impressions because your ads are (in most cases) invisible and happen in the background.
10. When not signed-in, the program does not generate money for you.
11. When not actively browsing, the program stops the impressions and any money generation is paused.
12. You may PAUSE and RESUME the ads at any point. When paused, the program does not generate any money for you.
13. When you "Claim Your Money", the payment will be credited to your PayPal account, please make sure you have an account with PayPal and keep in mind that there's a 4% fee that PayPal takes for every payment.

By installing the program, you do understand and agree that SHADOW.COM has no responsibility for the content of advertisement and that you may not claim any damage or misuse on our part for any reason whatsoever.

Have a safe and profitable browsing.

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