Client for EnigmaGPG. Allows you to encrypt messages.Enigma GPG allows you to encrypt messages through internet web applications. Ensuring the authenticity, privacy and confidentiality of messages for your Business.
Note: Plugin for Demo Live
- Allows communication messages private and confidential using public and private keys to encrypt and sign information.
Does not store messages. Manage your public and private keys centrally.
- EnigmaGPG is a messenger platform simple, secure and user friendly for your business or friends.
- Available for mobile devices through iOS and Android application.
- Install, configure and manage a secure messaging platform for your business or group of friends.
- Simple, Secure & Free Software.
1. Register in Demo Live
2. Login in.
3. Invite contacts.
Write a message:
1. Right-mouse click and go to Enigma GPG-> Cipher
2. Select a contact and write a messages
3. Copy and paste your cipher message in you gmail, facebook, o another web application.
Read a message:
1. Right-mouse click and go to Enigma GPG-> Decipher
2. Enter the Password and Decipher message.
3. Paste message to Decipher EnigmaGPG.
Web Site:
Registration Demo Web Site: