Page of Thunder Express Flashget whirlwind link is automatically replaced with a real address, and integrated utility such as speed…重要提示:本插件是在迅雷、快车、旋风专用链自动转换基础上做的绿化,因为原作者强行加入了微度新标签,而我们需要绿色版的,原版地址:
This extension is basically intended for Chinese people as the download softwares it's aimed at are not popular outside China. However, for those who do have these softwares, namely Thunder, FlashGet, and QQ Download, here's a rough translation of the description:
Often in webpages we find links that don't link directly to the file, but rather to a _page_ containing the link to the file, or, more frequently, the link only allows a specific downloading software to open it. This extension solves the problem. By selecting in the dropdown menu the software the page requires, this extension analyzes the link and restores it to the actual link to the file, with which you can download the file using whichever software in whichever way you wish. This extension is still in beta phase and needs much improvement. The author appreciates everyone's feedbacks and patience.
Thought this might help.
Reviews of Thunder,QQDownload,FlashGet Files Downloader Pro extension