The Credit Docs

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California #1 Credit Repair FirmCalifornia Credit Repair Specialist. Regardless of your credit situation, we have the expertise to improve and increase your Credit/FICO score to place you in excellent credit standing. With our proven credit repair strategies, we CAN legally remove inaccurate, outdated or unverifiable erroneous items listed on your credit report:

Collections & Charge offs
Late payments
Judgments & Settlements
Tax Liens
Bankruptcies & Foreclosures
Identity Theft & Fraud
Student Loans
Bill Collectors Cease & Desist

Our credit repair process is tailored to each client’s unique Credit history. We engage a creative, personalized solution while following all of the laws and regulations in regards to the FCRA & FDCPA and credit reporting industry. We aggressively dispute each negative, derogatory item listed on your credit report and challenge the credit bureaus, creditors and appropriate parties in a manner that yields the best proven results. Our aggressive and proven credit repair methods have generated excellent results in deleting negative and erroneous items from our clients credit report thus, improving their credit/FICO scores and credit worthiness.

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