A browser extension for rediscovering starred GitHub reposStarDaddy is a tool for management and re-discovery of starred GitHub repositories. It syncs data locally, enabling lightning fast searching and filtering.
StarDaddy uses a tag system to filter repositories. Detected repo languages are used as default tags, soon you will be able to create custom tags allowing for deep categorization.
I built StarDaddy to help me re-discover useful repositories amongst the 300+ repos I have starred. It's already improving my workflow, I hope you find a place for it in your workflow too.
StarDaddy requires a GitHub Personal Access Token to make authenticated requests to the GitHub API. No permissions are currently necessary, although I will soon be adding settings sync to Gist which will require additional permissions in the future.
This project is open source!
Find the code here: https://github.com/donanroherty/StarDaddy