Coupon service that everyone can benefit from. Our mission is to give you the best and make it as easy as possible.When it comes to saving with coupons, the CouponPaste has your back! Shop and save online, CouponPaste offers thousands of quality coupon codes and promotions that are updated 24/7.
CouponPaste is a new Chrome extension that will find the best available and working coupons and discounts offered while you are browsing your favorite stores.
It's free and easy-to-use. Simply install the CouponPaste extension and start saving with coupons! When you shop at your favorite store, the CouponPaste extension will appear in the upper right corner of the web browser. Next, click on the "Show All" button to see all the available coupons and deals. Then click on "Get Code" or "Get Deals" and the coupon will automatically be copied to the clipboard. Now when you shop, just paste the coupon code in the coupon box in your shopping cart or at the checkout page to see your instant savings!