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Current version: 1.2.5
Price: FREE
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Visit any website and we show you prices to compare across all stores right there! Create groups and get group discounts!ClipJoos chrome extension gives a life to your wish list. Literally.

1) Go to any website you like (,,, etc etc).

2) Open any product which you like. Compare prices instantly.

We show you right there if the same product is being sold at a cheaper price anywhere else! Sounds like magic? We will also tell you who else is selling same product right there.

3) Discover similar products at other websites.

We will show you similar other products from same brand or same category which other shoppers are liking! So you discover sellers and you discover interesting products. More magic?

4) Get exclusive discounts and offers. Save money.

On 1 click, you can come to the product "Clip" at and join the group. As more people join, group gets bigger and our seller network might offer you exclusive big discounts!

5) Get alerted as soon as price drops anywhere.

As soon you join "clips", we will alert you on email immediately as soon as price drops anywhere for that product. Let us work for you in background and save your hard earned money!

6) Follow other shoppers and see what they like.

Follow categories or any shopper on ClipJoos. We tell you what interesting product "Clips" get created in a category or by a particular shopper. You discover interesting things to window-shop at least!

Give a life to your wishlist. Install our sweet little magical extension now!

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