AdBlock HIGHT ™

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Price: FREE
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Free and improved AdBlocker. Completely remove ALL ads. No "acceptable" ads or whitelisted advertisers, block tracking and malware!AdBlock HIGHT is designed to remove every ad that your mind may have, and focus on the content you want.

- Remove all ads
- Block malware and follow-up
- Increase browser performance
- No "acceptable" ads or allowed websites / ad networks

AdBlock HIGHT is a free add-on that blocks known malicious sites and spreads out malware to spread malware. We've added a few comprehensive filters that give you better protection against brilliant ads, YouTube ads, and more annoying ads. Unlike other ad blockers, we do not have a white listing for websites, advertisers, or ad networks to show unwanted ads. Ad blocking will reduce page load speed, processor and memory usage.

If you know that there are no annoying and / or misleading advertisements on your favorite websites, our extension allows you to unblock ads on your websites.

 We block the following types of ads
- Text ads
- Banner ads
- Pop-up ads
- Pop-under ads
- Overlay ads
- Interstitials
- Video ads
- Email ads
- Facebook ads
Benefits of ad blocking
- Increase browser speed
- Increase page load speed
- Reduce the memory usage of the pages you visit
- Reduce bandwidth
AdBlock HIGHT is an OMGapp project. And Fully Independent.
For all your questions and opinions
[email protected]
Mail address.

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