Extension for the website www.saltybet.com, adding controls to the interface. Bet on saltybet without ever using the keyboard !
-…Extension for the website www.saltybet.com, adding controls to the interface. Bet on saltybet without ever using the keyboard !
- 4 new buttons for betting, one for going All-In (with activable double click all in protection), and the other three configurable in the options for the percentage of your wallet you want to bet
- A new slider under the Wager box, allowing you to change the amount you're betting
- An initialization function, that automatically inputs the value you want in the Wager box at the beginning of the match. Bet with only one click !
And more to come...
IMPORTANT : Refresh the page to confirm option changes !
Update log :
0.3.5 : New textboxes for the button values. Correction of a few minor issues
0.4 : - You can now use the mousewheel on all the sliders and textboxes (in the popup, and the one on the page)
- The slider now inputs a 1$ bet when all the way to the left
- The all-in buttons now look different if the all-in protection is activated
- New "Refresh Saltybet" button on the option popup
- The non-illuminati shouldn't have the bottom of the chat and video window hidden now.