A new interactive way to use your DMR Cbridge Net-Watch. Developed by IN3FQDA new interactive way to use your DMR Cbridge Net-Watch. Developed by IN3FQD
This chrome extension improve the way you interact with the net-watch page of your DMR CBRIDGE.
In particular this extension:
- makes the table bigger changing fonts and colors
- adds a S-METER column to the table
- adds a chart to see how the signal during a QSO
- highlights traffic generated by your call-sign (You have to set your call-sign in the settings menu)
- highlights QSO with a loss rate greater than 10%
Questa estensione per chrome modifica la pagina NETWATCH dei vari DMR NETWORK CBRIDGE.
In particolare l'estensione:
- modifica i font della pagina
- aggiunge l'S-METER oltre ai dBm
- aggiunge un grafico per vedere l'andamento del segnale durante il QSO corrente