FOCUS puts news headlines and updates from your favourite Blogs in a compact, readable and minimalistic box.Do you visit 5, 10, 15 or more websites everyday just to check for new content and posts. Isn't it very time consuming?
Install it and see all the new content and posts in one place. It show you the new content's title and the time when it was posted.
✔ Fast and efficient.
✔ Beautiful User Interface.
✔ Auto detect Feed URL of any website.
✔ No setup required.
✔ Filters to sort content.
★Getting started Guide (Highly Recommended)★
To get started you need to add some websites to track. To do this go to [Settings] -> [Add New Site] and enter the URL of the site you want to track for example "" and click [Save]. or you can simply add the currently open website by clicking the [+] symbol at the option bar.