Search only for items that are listed without Prime - Saves timeDo you sell on Have you spent hours and hours searching for items to sell only to come up empty handed or frustrated by your results?
Now supports, and
Take your business to new heights with this time saving add on to Google Chrome, whether you are dropshipping or performing retail arbitrage or both. With this add on you will no longer have to wade through pages and pages of Amazon Prime shipping items to get to the items you can actually sell to make money on. The man behind this extension is using it to create thousands of dollars in sales on Amazon while cutting his work time by 90%.
Another key feature is that this can be turned off when you are ready to shop for yourself by just pushing a simple button.
Open up Developer Tools -> Console.
Check if the email address is displayed in the console.
Verify you are logged into Chrome with their Gmail. If you are not logged in, you must login to Chrome
Close Chrome and restart.
Open the extensions tab and select the Prime Away extension.
If the extension says "Turn on" click turn on.
If the extension says "Enter License Key" enter yourlicense key.
After the valid key is entered, the extension should say "Turn on"
We have a 7 day refund policy. Contact us at
[email protected] within 7 days of purchase with your order number and we will refund you.