Group Speed Dial

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More than 10000 users worldwide
Current version: 15.4
Price: FREE
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SpeedDial (a.k.a. visual bookmarks) with groups for power users. Cloud synchronization between devices for free. No ads!Group Speed Dial a.k.a. visual bookmarks - lets you access your favorite pages anywhere / anytime in an organized fashion - using groups (folders) in the "New Tab" page.
All dials and thumbnails are synchronized between devices FOR FREE! (thanks to your donations:

Top features:
- cloud synchronization - synchronize your dials between devices and browsers - for free!
- registration with two clicks using your existing Gmail / Facebook / Twitter account
- Cloud dials - access your dials in any browser, even in your phone!
- import from other popular add-ons
- Text Dials - store text in your dials
- Search Dials - custom search providers
- active development!
- No Ads!

GroupSpeedDial also features drag & drop, history, search, custom background, custom thumbnails, dial notes, automatic thumbnails generation and more!

- I'm full-time extension developer and your donations is my only income. There are no ads in my extensions!
- Please support my work by:
- Patron -
- Buy me a coffee -
- PayPal donation -

Thank you! :)
Your donation will help me keep this extension working in future versions of Chrome!

Known issues:
- the default "Refresh dial" may not work for some highly protected pages like Facebook or banks - use "Refresh by visiting page" instead
- thumbnail creation is not perfect - some pages are loading their content asynchronously and thumbnail may be created incomplete - use delay function "+ 5s"

Recently added features:
- The list of changes in last versions is available here:

- icons by Font Awesome:

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